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"Good enough" is good enough

You bought a watch that tells the correct time 90% of the time you look at it.  The other 10% of time it might give you an obviously incorrect time (say, showing 11PM during the day) or might be just slightly off to make you miss that important meeting. After using this watch for a while you notice that its correctness depends on several factors such as the time of the day, your location in longitude (but not latitude), your viewing angle at the watch face, what you had for breakfast the previous day, and so on.  When you need to find out if you can catch the next bus, for example, you learn to first move to a location with the optimal ambient lighting, tilt your head just so, and raise your wrist at just the right speed to ensure a correct reading. You went back to the store to exchange the watch for a better one that is correct 95% of the time.  However, it comes with a different set of quirks for getting the correct time.  You need to remember to rub your right ch...
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The code that writes code that writes code

I read that folks had observed that some machine learning models could be used to write code   that runs .  Let that sink in for a moment.  At the same time, be aware that biases and extensive memory have been observed in the same model. This might be considered as an implementation of automatic programming , and is definitely not the first time machine learning models are used for generating code (or strings that look like code). The model that writes code (Z) when given some inputs is itself a piece of (very very very large and complex) code (Y).  If expressed in a general purpose programming language, it would have perhaps thousands of variables and many more operations.  No human programmer wrote this code - another piece of code (X) did. Humans -> X -> Y -> Z This is now the classical scientific fiction set up where a robot make other robots (which may in turn make other robots).  In the case when Y is a neural network, X would be respo...

Machine learning and software development - debugging

Machine learning is an impressive approach to create software.  The universal approximation theorem is often cited to establish the claim that deep learning - a branch of machine learning - is already sufficiently expressive to approximate any numerical functions.  Ignoring the impracticality of this claim, I would like to contrast how this approach of creating software is very different from the traditional approach with human software developers. There are many ways machine learning based software creation differs from the traditional approach: The requirements are specified differently; the creation process is different; the testing is done differently; the created software is debugged differently.  In this post I will focus on debugging. The testing aspect will be discussed elsewhere, but let's say that you have found a bug realized in the following form:  There is an input x whose output f(x) of f is not the expected output y. And the goal of debugging is...


Robopsychology , a term coined by Isaac Asimov, is the ultimate form of humans' reflection about themselves.  By inspecting what one creates, one learns about oneself.  Even more so when the creation is meant to be  like the creator.